Nice. Making each pattern a function it's more clear than storing all the events on data. (Like I did before on Friendly Pellet Rain)
By the way, EX_020 didn't work well after I select fight...I saw that the lifecycle is the same of some of my games but it's hard to find the problem since it's hard to read compiled code.
yeah, .EXE_020 doesnt work, I added that because I was showcasing that
I did use your patterns system in ver0.2.0 because I was trying to do the same thing in ver0.1.0, but I couldnt live up to it
Yes, but you need to copy the finish function in gameloop.
The copy just need to remove the scene from the stack(Using only ARRAY_remove). However, this won't call the methods onStop and onDestroy. Anyway, it's your choice if you want to call onStop and onDestroy (I use those to clear the arrays on the screen's module)