It says I don't have this card in menu.

Cave island's training boss has a big flaw, let it chase you 2 platforms, attack and run.

the enemies stay on the screen, and somehow that is not my worst problem.

国 | アメリカ |
誕生日 | 08/17 |
ゲームの腕前 | 上級者 |
利用したゲーム機 | ニンテンドー3DS |
フレンド | 0/100 |
フォロー | 9 |
フォロワー | 6 |
投稿数 | 125 |
そうだね数 | 176 |
取得日時 |
Hello reader, my name is text! You people keep on sending me to a lot of places, I prefer you don't send me with bad language. If you do, you will suffer my evil side called, "auto-correct" PS: the man who created auto-correct died, his funnel is next monkey.