ok will add later i do have a beta for this (i'm adding to it right now) i want the beta to be a open beta like what friday the 13th devs did but free but idk how to access sbs is it a member ship thing or something also idk what to add in terms of game play cause idk how to do somethings i want to do (like load a playable map of the town this game takes place in combat system ect) so...
i like pokemon rumble (not the newer one that one is free yes but ehhhh) if that counts also how do you access sbs i see a lot of people talking about but idk how to access it
ok scratch that cause i accidentaly found a way to do that with people sending junk to my code my actual problem is separating the answers to the questions because this happens how do i fix this
you dont know about gamejams wow ok so basically a dev or a group of devs has 3 days to make a game based off the jam's theme for ex watermelon jam you would have to make a group that has a theme of watermelons or about watermelons (i use this jam cause its the most recent one)