It's kind of difficult, but I think I can teach you. Go into the smiletool and go to paint. Find the sprite you want to animate. Move the box over it.Look at its coordinates at the bottom of the top screen.
Add it to an array like this
DIM animation[?]
animation[2]=x coordinate
animation[3]=y coordinate
rinse and repeat and keep adding to the array until your animation
I'm not 100% on the button on the bottom screen. I know what you're talking about I just don't know how to do it. But I can make Some thing happen when You touch bottom screen
Display 1
locate 20,20
Print "Touch for a noise!
TOUCH OUT TM,TX,TY 'Tm=Time touched Tx=Touch X Ty=Touch Y
If TM>0 and TM<2 then Beep 1
wait 1
Goto @booperdoop
Try it! experiment