国 | アメリカ |
誕生日 | 非公開 |
ゲームの腕前 | 上級者 |
利用したゲーム機 | Wii U |
フレンド | 35/100 |
フォロー | 21 |
フォロワー | 19 |
投稿数 | 57 |
そうだね数 | 7 |
取得日時 |
hypermobility syndrome is one of the medical conditions i have so don,t poke me!! i also have ASD (autism spectrum disorder) so when i,m playing i tend to foucus on automatic stuff rather than building. and with juvenile rumatoind i can make my hands cramp playing this. i,m senseitive to sound by 1.5x so don,t scream into the mic. clans im in S.T.A.G leader wellman1 ★★★clan leader vitthal