Well, it would use arrays (which I still don't understand how to use) so my advice is to get ideas from the example 7 in the sample project button thing in the menu, then goto EX7ALIEN and check out the code there.
@LABEL- Used to create loops or main menus (the label can be named what ever you want, such as @MAIN or @loop)
BUTTON()- an action will occur if a certain button will be pressed. [ex: IF BUTTON() AND #A then goto @main]
If you need help just ask
I'll help! First, to make code, go into the "EDIT" mode on the bottom of the touch screen.
Now, you can start. Here are some simple things to start.
CLS- clears text on screen
ACLS- clears EVERYTHING on screen
PRINT-prints text on screen [ex:PRINT "Hello!"]
WAIT- Pauses the program until the amount [ex: WAIT 60] (60 is equivalent to 1 second)
I need your help (If you can do it) create 2 AI's on each team that are decently smart. (like when its on the opponents side and you chase after it, it runs back on its side.
In direct mode, type SAVE"example then click enter (or find on then bottom screen at the top and click SAVE" then type the program name) to load it later, just do the same but with LOAD" instead of SAVE"
Well, it should look something like this:
print "derp game"
print "press A to begin"
If B and #A then goto @start
goto @loop
Oh. Ok.
If you want a background (like the grass on the title of slime simulator) then you will put BGFILL. After that, put the starting x,starting y, ending x, ending y, and the tile id. To find the tile id, goto the smile tool and click map. Search the tiles on the right, and select the tile you want. At the top of the box, you will see the id number. Example: &H0003