GFILL 0,0,399,239,#BLUE
You can also use a ton of preset colors by using #RED #GREEN ECT.
You could also use RGB for the color to set it to any 8bit color value.
will store the X and Y position of the circle pad in X and Y
The easiest way to move a sprite with it would be
SPOFS ID, SX+(X*4),SY-(Y*4)
This allows for different speeds!
STICK usually ranges from 0 to .8, so *4 makes it from 0 to 3.2
Y is inverted, which is why I subtracted it, as the result is generally inverted to what you expect.
Also, make sure you have EZSB.KIT in the same active project folder. Looks like you have it set to the default folder. You can move files around with the manage files option on the main menu.
@Editor D.
You have to use those lines in a PRG slot (generally slot 0). Put them above all other code and it should properly initialize eZSB for that program.
EZSB v0.693 is here!
This update fixes a major glitch in object positioning as well as having panned sound (one speaker is louder than the other based on position) There are some other minor changes too.
Expect big things next update, maybe even a new game and proper O3DS support. ;)
There are times where the system is unable to return to the home menu. When this happens, the icon appears and temporarily prevents exiting.
As for how this was posted to Miiverse, the icon disappear only after a set amount of time. It is possible to press it when it wasn't available and then press a second time when it is without it leaving the screen. Odd how it actually stays in the picture.
The systems are actually limited to roughly 30 successful packets per second. Running any faster would just cause the system to overload and would crash the program.
Changing the name wouldn't be enough. They check programs individually.
Don't forget Nintendo was prepared to sue the creator of flappy bird over the green pipes.
If you use graphics that aren't official Nintendo stuff or looks like a rip-off of it, then you could upload it.
Just note, uploading this will get it taken down for copyright infringement. Also worth noting someone else already made Mario Maker for SB. It was someone in Japan and doesn't have a proper key because of the copyright thing and I'm not 100% on where to get it.