Does anyone know how to use all 4095 sprites with each one containing its own sprite like i want to be able to make spritesheets inside arrays but everytime i load a different file into grp4 or grp5 or i use sppage it also erases what i had saved inside the array and wont display the sprites that i made
or is there anyway to have the maximum of 4096 sprites in spdef or a bigger array than 512x512
So is anyone going to remake Final Fantasy VII in 2D On this since cloud was made for SMASH BROS! i think its possible with workarounds making your own tools, using grp0 as the background in fights etc
So What Kind of additional features do you want added in.
Me i personally would like for them to increase the capabilities to a little above PS1 so you could literally make any videogame you want all the way to PS1 calibre games. like a Full on RPG as long as Final fantasy ix or chrono cross that would make this app EPIC!
Ya know i had an idea people could make their own flash videos like super mario bros z and stuff with this app only in basic since it can do snes graphics someone should make an animation studio with this app for a Smilebasic youtube channel of sorts but how multiplayer works idk.
Are you allowed to load a file with a def command on file 3 then execute a call command from file 0 to file 3 i keep getting an error for some reason when i run it if so how
Sorry but is this a glitch when i tried to use prgedit "1:1 prgset "def ll then from slot 0 i used call "1:ll i still got an error even though i used prgedit to set def ll on slot 1
Is it possible to create SNES OR Playstation quality games and use all 999,999+ lines of code at the same time or would you run out of memory before that happens
My very first game im making. pong ironic dontcha think this is going to have tons of items though! like warp which warps you to the ball freeze which freezes the opponent briefly etc