So apparently I have to use SPDEF.
When I was fiddling around with SPDEF, I noticed that SPHOME was still a thing. I decided to try it, and it worked as before...except...
When I used SPCHR to change the sprite in my control loop, it reset the coordinates of the control point to 0,0. In PTC, SPHOME set the origin of the sprite via the control #. Even if you changed the sprite with SPCHR,
*Goes to do some spriting*
*Realizes that the file has been overwriten with the blank graphic screen*
Remind me to move the load button over. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go to a corner and cry.
(Luckily, I posted a picture of my first sprite for reference)
Resizing a sprite...something I never want to do again. I couldn't let my character sit there in Petit Computer, so I transferred her over to SmileBasic, completely forgetting about the increased resolution. The fact that I'm not that good at spriting doesn't help either. Ah well, there's always another tomorrow.
Back to practice. petit computer mkII, you could load individual pages of sprites where needed, allowing you to manage your sprites. For instance, you could load all of your player sprites in page 1, your attack sprites in pg2, enemies in 3, etc, and change them as needed, without much delay.
Without directly telling me, can SmileBasic replicate this? I'm still learning, of course. LOAD"GRP4:"name",FALSE
I'm not liking how my color palette resets with each save/load...anyone know how to make the colors stay put or save the colors? This is better than the old palette system in mkII, but I kinda miss the simple CHR editor.
So drooling. Everything, with the exceptions of the added content, is relatively the same as PTC mkII (Thankfully). If I can make the game I started in mkII, I'll be happy!
WELP, I have it now! I need to do two things immediately! The first...cry in a corner because I didn't get much out of mkII before this came out...the second...TAME THE BEAST! :D