Does anyone still remember Miner Life?

This is my simplified platformer "Find the Exit". The key is: ARR3V23E. I took out scrolling, and time based movement. Hopefully it is easier to understand. Bug reports are welcome. See if you can make new levels!

copy this once you start the program type in '7' then press a

update time here is the brand new demo that was a blast coding hopefully you'll have a blast with it as well and one other thing this game will be in a chapter format so the first chapter should be coming early june (we'll see depends on if i'm busy with family things or not) anyway enjoy

RGRPG2 update: I have returned from a hiatus with good & bad news!
Bad news: I got approximately 0 work done during late April and May, which means I'm goint to delay my game.
The good news is I have returned to developing RGRPG2! Also, I'm listening to some awesome music, so my productivity will be amplified!
More bad news: the event engine was badly designed, so I have to rewrite it a bit.

ZERO HOUR FACT: Up for some nostalgia? You can use this track to always play when you launch Zero Hour - with a simple file.

Here's a pic of a wip gui for meh age-old island game. [I know I haven't been posting much, but no worries, I'm still working on it]

Here's a better render
Made on the 3DS

its the same file but updated with more games made by me. key:2ddx324v have fun.

If you look inside four mirror spheres stacked, you'll see a fractal in the middle
The rendering cut off
