Heres your key you cringy undertale fans

can an1 tell me how to do this with sprites?

After countless hours of work im happy to announce that EVΞRLAST is almost ready, now ready and glitch free are not the same so i will be fixing glitches in the next week or so, for those who dont like awesome adventures, space battles, annoying robots, space pirates, epic music and cliffhangers dont try it when it comes.
if you do then be my guest to try it when time comes

Coding along with the coding train's Julia set video and got this. I think it is pretty.

Anyone want to try out my text adventure game "I Lost my Ball"? The Key is: BDWE58AV
I noticed several people working on text adventures lately. I thought at the very least it would make good example code (even if it is a ton of code).
It is a fairly short game and shouldn't take long to beat. Please let me know any bugs you find.
