Prime number testers I wrote with keys.

When you realize you've been counting in binary the whole time you tried to handle colors nicely...

How's the drawing? I've spent 20 minutes on this drawing

While I can't show it off very well, I've made a character select screen with touch controls. I know it's not too impressive but it is a good chance show off the first 4 classes/characters. Hope you like unlockable characters

Anyone recognize this? The code itself shouldn't look familiar, but does anyone recognize specifically what it does?

una pequeña mascota

Just got started on the first character of Rakugaki Brawl: Richard Rakugaki. I have a few ideas in mind. But I'm thinking that this game needs some creativity to it. Try drawing your own Rakugaki drawing! And post them on this post in the comments! I might put them in the game!

I've made an update on the kidnap. I changed a few colors. You can get all the details in my last post about the game.
