Found the last versiom of petit maker.

heres a timer....................................................................................................................................................................................................yeah....................................... heres the end.

i could always try again right?

Made a level in this new and improved version of mario maker!

Is it possible to turn a mic recording into a beep?

A very fun Super Mario Maker Like game! 9.8/10! Key [D3ANNXJF] Have fun making your own levels!

heres my key in jump edit its my map i made. its the DSL_ST one...

Clay from Clay's Cartoons here to tell you guys that I will be taking a little break from Slime Simulator once again. I did a lot on the recent update, and it is very tiring. I want to work on a new game for you guys, and hopefully it will be challanging. :)

This is a fun create your own level game! Code was in my last 2 posts!

im done with CPU_1 now time for CPU_2!!!

i have some questions...
1. how do you make your own sprite
2. how do i find good games
3. how do you at least get a sprite to move with buttons
4. how do you animate a sprite in a program
0そうだね プレイ済み
Bayonetta 3 and 4 on 3DS
Hey guys! Bayonetta 3 is a story. Bayonetta 4 is a game. Crosovers included
Bayonetta X The Legend Of The Dark Witch
Chapter 1:KXV3H3QJ
Chapter 2:5343N4AX
Chapter 3:433X2EH3
News Update:R3N4DKHV
Image is Beta Leaked Zizounetta Fusion

this is CPU_2 with the little icons open (this is another file named CPU_2)and these are called windows AND ITS POWERED BY FROOD (if you need theese files plz name your game frood CPU)

How do I put multiple sprites one the screen?

RPG base like TTYD for fan Paper Mario game
Ok I need a base for a fan paper mario game its called 'Paper mario:Venture 2 Sun' what I need for this RPG base is everything that you would see in paper mario overworld and battle system and also spirte already made so I can make my own sprites.
1そうだね プレイ済み
I think I need this. Do I need this? I probably do.
3そうだね 未プレイ
12OS: at least 6 times better than OS/2

Wanna make a game?
Hello. I would like to start a game. I am not good at code but I know some stuff to help with code.
Help wanted .
Music Picker
I will do sprites.

How do I place sprites? How do I make maps and load them. How do I put movement and button inputs in my games. All commenters get a follow.

There was a serious lack of serifed fonts on SmileBASIC, so I made my own! Most of it is modified from the default font, but I also took inspiration from the ITC Lubalin Graph typeface family.
Only alphanumerical characters have been replaced so far, but maybe I'll finish up the rest of the font.
As always, any feedback/suggestion is appreciated. Also, feel free to use it for whatever you want!

Am I missing any items?
If I am, how do I get them?

Hey, it's been quite a long time since I've updated this OS on Miiverse. Still working on SB-DOS. I added a bytecode called ABC (Stands for ABC is Basic Code). It comes with an assembler. Documentation coming soon.
Anyways, there's more info on
Some things I didn't consider when uploading this version:
Didn't delete my user file.
Forgot to reassemble.

improved greatly at it, i wanted to make sure that there is no tampering(not even a single character), so, i managed to wrap the code up into a single string, and trust me, this is a program with over 700 lines of text

Septic ball. the FIRST jacksepticeye game made ONLY BY ME! its acculy preety fun to. i hod Jack plays it and does a youtube video of it
