SmileBASIC コミュニティプレイ日記PikaRyan papermariofanmm2016/05/15 02:14:02Is it possible to turn a mic recording into a beep?1そうだね 1返信プレイ済み2017/11/04 03:30:33に取得
SmileBASIC コミュニティ返信[1]親投稿V360 TheV3602016/5/15 3:46Yes, using WAVSETA and use the number that you used for setting the sound for playing the sound. WAVSETA 224,[data array from MICSAVE],?,?,?,? BEEP 224 This is off the top of my head.3そうだね プレイ済み2017/11/04 03:30:33に取得