Just a note, but anything that is copyrighted should not be made into a game on SmileBASIC, because it will more than likely be taken down. Unless of course, it is a text-based adventure game, then you may be okay. But do not, AND I REPEAT do Not try and make a fnaf remake or UT remake on SmileBASIC, please, we have already dealt with something similar to that before.
Well I really just want to make an RPG similar to ALTTP. And I need help with showing a sprite onscreen, as well as giving it a moving animation. (this will be the main character) Do you think you could help me with this?
ok so setting up a sprite is easy, just use SPSET (management number, this is to tell apart sprites)
so like SPSET 0, (spdef number, look at the smile tool for these)
SPSET 0,600
to move where the sprite is on the screen you use SPOFS, so it would be like SPOFS 0,(x),(y)
so maybe SPOFS 0,50,50
I have to go to my grandma's house but ill be back in like 4 hours or 8