*J.P.*[P]£ aj2003aj
im working on an enemy, so far i have a working hp bar, that is green at a certain amount of health, yellow at about half, and red when near gone, i have a code that lets him randomly walk around (not yet added) and MAYBE one that targets the player when at a certain view area. i got tired of trying to figure out the bg collision,but i still need help. many thanks to Hanzo for giving me the code.
*J.P.*[P]£ aj2003aj
'i mean thanks to Hanzo for giving me the game that let me figure out how to do it. also thanks to PChicken for helping me with bg collision (still helping) and a lot of other stuff. and Chickens32 (32 right?) for giving me the code for the messages (the ones that come out like being written, one letter at a time.) Scientist, thanks for telling me how to load maps.
*J.P.*[P]£ aj2003aj
and Hylian, also for helping with BG collision. well.. if you helped and i forgot your name, just tell me.. my 3ds is a duck. that was the random message of the day. so, now i do have one problem with my hp bars, if i add moving the enemy the hp bar would stay in place, not follow me, is there any way to make it stay parallel to the enemy sprite (on top)