One thing I never liked about FF1 is that the thief was never able to steal stuff. So I'm trying to create a thief class that can and build a playstyle around it
Never played FF1...I'm currently playing FFTA on the virtual console, where theives have the ability to steal many things, including OTHER people's abilities.
Hearing that sounds so wrong to me. :o
I wish FF1 was available on the virtual console. It's a shame. Don't worry though, this thief can't steal abilities. But you did just help me decide on what to do for the scout. And the day before I make a post too. Tell you what, for saving my bacon you get two questions about the game, abilities and the 16 classes that I'll answer regardless of spoilers
I don't plan on make characters customizable because I want to keep the classes special. For example, in Advance Wars: Dual Strike skills were introduced that gave COs little boosts. One of them was an atk boost in snow, something that Olaf already had as his special perk. If everybody could have a boost in snow, why play as Olaf?
I have 16 classes planned, 8 hero classes, 4 evil classes and 4 special classes. The 4 hero classes are the Warrior, Mage, Ranger, Thief, Scout, Ninja, Fairy, and King classes. The 4 evil classes are the Beastman, Gorgon, Tinkerer, and Summoner classes. The 4 special classes are the NPCs, the Farmer, Merchant, Batista, and the Queen
Actually, even though I was planning on only using the preset sprites, character profiles like this for the class select screen would be pretty cool. Let me know if you're up for it.