Revenge of the Gods Alpha 0.2 is now avalible! Hope you enjoy it! The key is highlighted in the screenshot, Alpha 0.1 is below the highlight as well, though it is low quality. Leave any suggestions below! Thanks!
I expected more when I downloaded this, but I understand that this is in alpha stage. Right when I started, I knew that you need to add WAIT when you press a button. [WAIT 15 would be perfect] Also add slash sounds when you or the enemy attacks. If you need any help, just ask me.
Alpha 0.2.1 is now available! Fixed action menu where it was to sensitive to a button being pressed. Reduced wait time for title and start.The highlighted file has the key for the bug fix. Please report any bugs, it helps me make a better game for you guys! If no bugs are found, I will begin on 0.3, which will hopefully contain the first map! Thanks!
There was an error with the upload. But its all good now though! The key has changed, so do not use the previous key for 0.2.1 .Please still continue reporting bugs if you find them! Thanks!
0.2.2 is now available.The highlighted file has the key for 0.2.2 . Please be aware that I have removed 0.2.1 . Things fixed or added: added a back feature to the action menus. Please report any bugs that you may find, it helps me make a better game! Thanks!
I have found no more bugs, but if there are anymore bugs, they will be fixed in 0.3. I have now begun working on the next update, which will contain: improved title menu, and the first map, which will contain the ultra skeleton.Thanks for reporting the bugs in the game so far!
Sadly, I found another game-breaking bug. Alpha 0.2.3 fixed it though! This update fixed a bug that when the player died, the animation was skipped entirely. As always, the update is highlighted in the screenshot. I am now continuing on the update! It will be out soon! Be on the lookout! Thanks!