Would anyone at all be willing to try and teach me how to make a simple sprite walking across a screen (Preferably with a walking animation)? I've been watching tutorials all day but I've found nothing...
Help would be greatly appreciated!
Hmm, I'm not really experienced on SPANIM but I know it's a pretty hard function to figure out and I'm not the one to teach it. I know someone on SBS called Trinitro21 that taught me pretty well and it wasn't too hard to figure out the rest from what he taught me.
Do this (screenshot).
Shown is only moving up, but the other directions will be similar. For other sprite directions, replace the 508,509,510, and 511with the correct sprite number and either inc/dec x or y depending on the direction of movement.
I use spanim .,"i" quite a bit. So the "I" changes the used sprite over a number of frames.
in the screenshot, when you press up, i have the sprite 508, wait 4 frames, sprite 509, wait 4 frames, etc. all the way to the 0. The last number is how many times you want the animation to play. If set to 1, it will only play 508-511 once and so on. 0 makes the animation play indefinitely.
Other spanim commands are similar, but you will need to check for proper way to structure each.
Also: the frame waits in spanim don't actually slow down other processes in your program
Understandable. It took me a long time to understand. I'm working on a manual/program to put on smilebasic and I'll add a section on animating sprites.