Besides the amount of work and time that cloning a game like that requires (i.e., so excessively that your asking can only be interpreted as either incredibly selfish or just dumb) and that no one should ever consider a Miiverse follow to have value, SmileBoom (the developers and operators of SmileBASIC and the distribution server) have to honor copyright law and take down any submissions possibly
violating intellectual property law. Perhaps you want a game only similar in concept to Minish Cap. This I doubt, as your wording and particular use of "Minish Cap" indicate you want essentially that, and not simply "a game similar to Legend of Zelda." Even if this is the case, the above still applies. If you want a game like that, learn SmileBASIC and make it yourself. It is the only way.
What lumage said.
You can't go around asking for people to make copyrighted games, as it would immediately get taken down.
The best you can do is just make it yourself and never publish it.