To put in a sprite, do SPSET then numbers of the sprite you want. On the touch screen, there is a button called smile. Click it, goto paint, then find a sprite. Zoom up as much as you can. Then in the bottom left corner, there are coordinates. Put those after SPSET,0.
To move your sprite somewhere else, put SPOFS after SPSET. Then put the coordinates where you want your sprite to move in.
After that, to change the size of a sprite, then do SPSCALE then the width,and height of the sprite. But Put Zero before it all. like this:
SPSET 0,16,16
SPOFS 0,5,10,-256
You would put zero because it tells the program what sprite it is.
If you want two sprites on the screen at the same time, then put 1 on the second sprite instead of 0. If you need more help, search on youtube Petit Professer. He could explain somethings to you.
Oh! Don't forget that the quotation marks you are using for PRINT will not work. You have to use the quotation marks on the top left of the keyboard, they should be pink.