Progress, but the timing is a bit off.
Btw, if a program gets removed for "copyright infringement", does it simply get removed or does the user get penalties? Just wonderin'.
sometimes your banned from uploads, sometimes your uploads get delayed till they are reviewed by SB, sometimes the origional author takes legal action such as a C&D for making that lame fnaf 'port'
basically unless its your own idea/character/story someone will get it removed
mystman had clapping party removed and thats a 10 second joke in a flash cartoon
Okay, so I think I'll refrain from publishing this, but I'll still aim to finish it for myself (and maybe let others see it here? To make themselves) but I'll leave it unpublished. Thanks for the info, Devon! Much appreciated!
I known of a Mystman in this community, is it the same guy? Also, did HE have it removed, or was HIS program removed?
it was his program.
unless you are specifically learning mml there are editors like litterbox(might be the wrong name), i havent tried it yet but the author updates it frequently and it looks fairly polished.
sbSource should have the most up to date key