oh and these numbers might be meaningless. I don't know what you'd do to SmileBASIC to cause it to lag on Old 3DS.
but also don't take this as "every game runs faster on New 3DS!" because that's not the case, games have to choose to use that power. SmileBASIC just happens to ;)
i didn't realise that those little buffs the 'new 3ds' has translated into so much improvement. the new 3ds needs more exclusives! can't wait for the europian release of smile basic.
old 3DS games like pokemon perform identically on both types of system. loading times might depend on your SD card speed (if it's digital or something).
though it does seam like future games will take advantage of the 'new 3ds' power. hyrule worriors, is said that only the new 3ds will be able to play the game, satisfactorily, in 3d. so clearly it will take advantage of the added power.