Yeah, if you're not sure what you're doing, you're going to have to start with smaller, simpler programs before you can make a full fledged RPG. A game like that takes a lot of time and effort, and good knowledge of how to program. If you try immediately making some huge game, you'll just end up frustrated that you can't do it.
It's possible, but it will take you longer than you expect. I encourage you to at least try programming to see if you enjoy it, but it's not for everyone.
My suggestion is learn how to use the commands PRINT and IF, then move on to using variables and rendering sprites. (I actually have little experience with SmileBASIC, but understand programming languages enough to start you up.) Never forget that you have the vast Internet in your hands if you want to learn something. At the very least, have fun exploring programming.
Here, I gave these tips to someone else, I'll copy/paste it: It's probably a good idea to check out the online tutorial on the main menu, and then read through some of the game's manual. It takes some time and patience to learn, but once you grasp the basics it's pretty easy to start picking up speed! For starters, here's an introductory program you can try:
Type this in EDIT mode (Minus the comments after ')
CLS 'This command clears all text from the screen.
@LOOP 'This acts as a marker, and we can make the code come back here later
PRINT "HELLO WORLD!" 'This will make the words in the quotes appear on screen
GOTO @____ 'Fill in the blank! You want this command to return to the @ earlier in the code!
When you return to RUN mode, type RUN and press ENTER. This will run the code you entered in EDIT mode. If you did it right, the screen should fill up with "HELLO WORLD!". What's happening is the code first reaches the command to clear the screen, then it reaches a command telling it to PRINT the text, then it reaches a command telling it to return to the line with the desired @ label.