Ok as you guys know, Bird Simulator is a clone of goat simulator. now i need AN ACCUAL NAME for the game instead of bird simulator. and i need some sprites for more skins, and ideas like, menus and stuff for 0.02
right now in 0.01 theres only like a bird flying. in 0.02, there will be skins and a menu, in 0.03, ill add 3 challenges for you guys, and a bigger map for the game. 0.04 ill add 3 more challenges and 3 skins. this will take awhile, so i think 0.03 will come August25th instead of 0.05. can i get help you guys
the last update will be 5.01, it will have a short story mode. ill also add 5 skins and mabey multiplayer.and 5 more challenges and i need u guys to give me more ideas
This sounds cool, so I'll help you.
First of all, Bird Simulator is an awesome name. lol
Alright. If you need any textures, I can import them from a computer. I also have good programming skills: you can check out my programs if you need proof.
all i really need is a LEGIT menu. that i could copy. on it, i need 4 spaces the top will say, play game, the next thing will be challeng mode, and the NEXT one will be settings, and the final one will be credits, or we can just put it in settings
How do you want the menu to be like? I mean, what should go on Top Screen and what should go on Bottom Screen?
How do you want the options to look like? (There's no way I could use the default font on an awesome-looking menu!)
And how do you want the options to be picked? How should the user know which option is currently selected? There are many cool ways you could do it.
Can I see how the gameplay looks like?
I began working on the menu already, but I'd like to know how the actual game looks like so I can inspire myself.