can somebody create a mouse/cursor program using either the circle pad OR touch?. i want to implement it in Basic OS. whoever can will be credited in my os as a developer
It's really simple, actually. You can draw the cursor using any method you want, although using a sprite is probably the simplest way.
With the touchscreen:
A simple TOUCH OUT TS,TX,TY will do. Just offset the cursor position to TX,TY.
With the Circle Pad:
You can have two variables representing the position of the cursor, let's say, X and Y. All you have to do is increment X and Y using the values provided by STICK OUT SX,SY. Like this:
DEC Y,SY 'Decrement since the Y-axis is inverted.
After this, just offset the cursor to X,Y.
If you find the movement to be too slow you can provide a multiplier to SX and SY in the increments...
If you find the cursor going out of the visible screen, you can bound X and Y using the MIN and MAX functions. (I'll leave you to research them on your own.)
I'd tell you how to program "clicks", but I think you can figure it out.