exactly what Quote said, also the people here are really nice.
the games you can get are great, worth a lot more than $10 i would say.
0そうだね プレイ済み
i have a problem, so ive been trying to do BGcollision, and everything i try just fails and does nothing, first i thought i was doing it wrong, so finally i tracked it down to my jumping code, after testing this on 3 working BGcollision games it was very clear that it was the cause, but i cant figure out why.
so if anyone can tell me how to fix it or just a better code to use, please do tell me.

im gonna pretend I dident tree that...
1そうだね プレイ済み
DEF is better than GOSUB? ok.
0そうだね プレイ済み
well i was looking for the file i put my HP bar in.. well as it turns out, it for some reason dident save it so i have to start from scratch again..
im just gonna start from this demo this time.. modify it...
last time i did it by myself, but this will make it go a lot faster..
i have so much to do..
well i think..
#1: HP bar
#2: buttons on touch screen
#3: BGcollision sdgyjfhbff.
0そうだね プレイ済み
..anyways yeah if i need any help with money ill just ask, i think ill keep working on my inventory, so i would use L/R to switch items in the hotbar, i think Y will be for attacking B for jumping, X and A are still unknown... wait... oh yeah..., A to select items, open chests, go through doors, activate stuff (like maybe switches), so X can do whatever.. idk..
now im porting my HP bar to my game
0そうだね プレイ済み
as far as i could tell the map you have in this was unlimited, or just repeating itself, but i found out that you can go outside the map, i have not changed any of your code.

yeah forgot about money, i tested a money thing with my enemy thing. it was like print blah blah blah to show how much money i have then if the enemy dies give me RND amount or money from 15-30ish it worked... basically..
respawning is good, i would have the enemy/boss despawn but return when you get back to the game.
0そうだね プレイ済み
RUN 1. would something like that work?
0そうだね プレイ済み
oh, that must be helpful, so like if i wanted to make another map to go to is it possible to do like lets say: theres a door...? i code so i press a to enter, then like IF (door)(idk) =true then
0そうだね プレイ済み
ok, i was wondering if you had any ideas for my game, basically you fight enemys, get weapons, fight bosses and whatever else.
there will be knid of a ongoing story with whats happening somewhat of theres a dark lord sending everyone (enemys) to kill you because... havent got that far in it yet.
im pretty sure you saw my test for an inventory, so theres a bigger inventory,thats just the hotbar.
0そうだね プレイ済み
really? cool, and yeah im bringing my 3ds, im just saying i want to know a lot of how to do stuff so i dont get stuck on the roadtrip with no idea how to do whatever..
gtg, be back later.
0そうだね プレイ済み
yeah i havent watched all his vids but i saw a few,
0そうだね プレイ済み