will you ever finish In the Dark, for the sake of all of us here on SB?
0そうだね プレイ済み
"when game is finished" i wont be ready for atleast another week, i am leaving on a trip so it may be longer.
0そうだね プレイ済み
lol use backcolor i think, make a loop of it switching back and forth, or if you want it to go for a certain amount of time do backcolor (stuff here)
wait 10 (or whatever)
backcolor (stuff)
just keep doing that.
0そうだね プレイ済み
did you make the undertale mml song?
the one i have says you made it, so just wondering if i put your name in the credits.
0そうだね プレイ済み
updated many things, such as fixing a big load of really annoying glitches, such as the x,y coords glitch adding too many numbers to the area.
adding a tutorial and better cutscenes, making a little background into the story of why you are there in the first place and same for ethan
fixed story continuing without you pressing A, added some new minimal gameplay parts, like fixing droido.

well as some may or may not know, irl I am a pretty funny guy and i really cant help putting humor in my games, it makes my game really different from others, now i have put a TON of random funny stuff in my game.. so i was just warning you for when you get my game.. there will be a big disclaimer in the beginning, so onto the real topic of this post..
(in comments)

as i said.. again, its many different gameplay types, sometime its overhead using bgofs, sometimes its just using one screen, sometimes its overhead while also using bgofs but in a different way, it varys from different parts of the game.
and no.
no keys will be released until it is more final, you will be one of the people who test it first but not right now.
0そうだね プレイ済み
or just split into 2 keys and when you have them both copy the files into the other.
nice though that i can have unlimited keys without membership.. :)
0そうだね プレイ済み
nice, dont throw away the other one.. use it for parts..
0そうだね プレイ済み
the game has many different views, sometimes 2d sometimes not.
just depends.
0そうだね プレイ済み
yes it ends VERY unknown.. its a massive cliffhanger.
1そうだね プレイ済み
ok, and yeah i maent that.
our dinner smells sooooooo good in the background!
my mom is almost the best cook.
0そうだね プレイ済み
also the shields have a set amount of power/strength, so when it gets hit the shields strength goes down, the damage is set by a rnd number, sometime its 5, maybe even 10.
to make it more realistic theres of course sound and stuff.
0そうだね プレイ済み
as i was saying.. the big cannon in the front is basically the one in the middle, im adding a rear turret and turrets that connect to the side pods too, i still have no idea how i will make the lasers though.. especially to make them fire in the direction the turret is facing..
hmm.. just use the turrets sprot imfo to tell it what way to fire.
0そうだね プレイ済み
i havent tried this yet but i want to take a ROUND sprite and spscale it up to the ship shield make it perfectly (or almost perfectly) fit, then use spcolor to make it invisible.
this way i can keep the cool look while also being able to use spcollision, which i finally understand now that i realised all the mistakes i was doing.
and lol i deleted 700 uneeded lines of code yesterday.
1そうだね プレイ済み