ps i really dont think i was trying infact it was an accident until when it about happened i figured i might as well take a break. why do i even bother acknoledging the mind that my finger doesnt have?
no, its not. but im so familiar beyond even where im aware with PTC for the DSi that when they did that it really made me screw up. but hey, im learning. The funny thing is though, weren't they using START for the SMILE button? These ppl really need to make up their mind. better yet, if START/SELECT are the same now, why dont we bring back the START button? Ah, the good ol' days.
can anyone tell me why this doesn't work? it says this LEFT$ command here has a varible attached to it that's out of range. i can't findwhere though. it looks to me like these numbers should vary on calculations and input, not any input vaule like a forced action. I had a few ideas when trying to debug this string but I really don't wanna screw up even worse. i have never used this command before.
well just fantastic... i tried to pause and it force colsed the entire thing. why did they remove access to the START key? i think thats just stupid. everyone knows START is commonly pause but with this its confusing to remember the new keybinds. And it had to happen just when i beat that level? crud.
thanks, but actually i just figured that out. i checked the update page and it says they added the M/S var. i would've downloaded it before on eShop but it said in the desc. "for the cartridge version only". anyway, thank you for the help, im going to eShop now.
because it doesnt know what that means? (well duh of course thats what an error is but i mean like somebody was too lazy to bother to actually program a timer.) i doubt it though. but ppl have though. somebody tried to remake smash bros. they got on youtube for help and showed everyone that they didnt know why it stopped but all they typed was "armegedon". i hope that isnt what just happened.
EDIT: wait a sec-- theres TWO ends here! and that last paragraph doesn't have any reference tags attached to it so it's rendered useless. but then why is it even there. I didnt really look at the code here but i thought this was a little interesting. very odd...
i downloaded an MML editor and it says Undefined varible at 0:3209. i went here and i honestly don't really know this part of the language yet but it looks fine to me. Could maybe someone solve this? if you wanna see for yourself it can be downloaded on the smileBASIC publications page. its called litterbox MML.