@Ed What is the meaning of this?! Then what in the world did I do?! ;)

I think it looks great Ed!
0そうだね プレイ済み
Yes, I'm congratulating him on porting it over to SmileBasic. :)
0そうだね プレイ済み
Dear Obonokun, if you're reading this, I just wanna say Celeste is a great game with great level design! You've done a great job making it and porting it to SmileBasic! :)

Could you be so kind as to tell us the key?
2そうだね プレイ済み
Here's the 2nd thing I've turned out on SmileBASIC, made on day 3 of owning it. Please try it out and go have a conversation! ;) If I could've coded it better, please tell! I need experience so constructive criticism is appreciated! :)

Pretty good. Although there's nothing to stop the players from pressing A too early. You can just mash A and win every time.

Hooray! My first program!

Speaking of, can you tell me what I'm doing wrong here? I put in the 5 lines of code that's on the front page of the website hitting enter in between each one, but after typing 'RUN' and hitting the A button (as the website says) the program doesn't run. I'm stumped.

I just got SmileBASIC. I've attempted both programming (Javascript) and game creation (Stencyl) before but never got far on either one. Creating my own games is something I've always wanted to learn how to do. Here's hoping this program will give me the necessary tools and instructions I need to make this a reality, and that it turns into a positive, creative outlet for me with a fruitful outcome.
