I figured it out!!! The width in BGLOAD is 64 tiles instead of 32! That's the reason for the skipping of scan lines. On top of that, I did draw it in the second layer! So, I just followed your procedure and then went to the Smile tool and SCSAVEd it as "SC_DKHT_GMA_L2." When I loaded it, it appeared on screen! How can I thank you more!? I couldn't have done this without you! Thanks!!
Woah! Check this out! I disabled the GFILL and changed the array in the BGLOAD to MAP0. It actually loaded the title screen map! So, it has nothing to do with the format or syntax. It has to do with the HUD map itself! So if I have it in the files and I can see it in the editor, why in the world is it not loading in-game? I just don't get it.
I drew my map with the built-in Smile tool. I then saved the map as "DKHT_GMA". I then did an SCSAVE and called it "SC_DKHT_GMA_L0". I loaded that in the game as MAP1.
So, if the file that I'm loading is EMPTY, are you saying I should resave the background again? I don't remember how many times I tried that. Ugh. I don't get computers.
Okay. I added it in. It still seems to give me a simple blue screen. The thing is, all of the stuff you are saying actually makes sense. It should be displaying by this point. Jeez. This is harder than when I was given a personal lesson on ATTR.
Hmm... That gave me an Illegal File Format error. I just read about BGLOAD and it says the format is "BGLOAD Layer, [Start point X, Start point Y, Width, Height,] Numerical value array."
I think I have to assign it to an array. I just don't know if I'm doing it right.
I really appreciate the help though!
Hello. I'm trying to load a background map in my game. It won't display on the screen. I want to load it o the touch screen from (32,0) to (292,240). This is what I did.
BGSCREEN 0,50,30
BGLOAD 0,9,0,64,33,MAP1
BGSCALE 0,0.5,0.5
If anyone can help, I would appreciate it.
Okay! Well, I saved my HUD as a background image. I called it "SC_DKHT_GMA_L0". I gave it an array called MAP1. Here is the code I used to draw it.
GFILL 32,0,292,240,RGB(0,191,255)
BGSCREEN 0,50,30
BGLOAD 0,0,0,32,30,MAP1
BGSCALE 0,0.5,0.5
By writing this down, a blue box appears like expected, but the HUD didn't appear at all.