Use Direct Mode to test commands.
You will see the results, step by step.
In the Help window, you can click the COPY button, then PASTE the example in a slot or in Direct Mode.
You can change lines 9 and 16 like this
'The code between 9 and 16, will be repeated
'Until you press a button
21 WAIT 300 '
Next step is "PRESS ANY BUTTON TO CONTINUE" to be effective.
Your program never reaches line 17,
16 GOTO @LOOP branch always to line 9.
I suggest replacing lines 9 and 13 with a REPEAT UNTIL loop and avoid GOTO.
LOCATE position the cursor for PRINT instruction only.
For sprites use SPOFS spritenumber,X,Y
If you want to position your sprite 0 at the center (200,120) of the screen type at the end of your prog :
SPFOS 0,200,120
Remember that you can test most instructions in Direct mode.
Try this in Direct Mode :
SPSET 0,335
SPANIM 0,"XY", -60,200,100, -30,50,20
Also, you can adjust the home position of the sprites.
With SPHOME instruction, once for each sprite.
By default, it's top left (0,0).
Sometime you need this reference point at the bottom/center of your sprite.