Where can i get access to more tutorials?
SmileBASIC´s documentation and tutorials are pretty hard to come across. I've been looking around for community made guides, but they don't explain the functions and characteristics of SmileBASIC as well as the official one. My question is: are there tutorials around that actually helped you as a newbie in SmileBASIC? Thanks for your attention
i dont know what i did wrong but i looked at chickens32's code for the endless war(dont worry i was only seeing how to make the intro thing with the chicken)but i put the code in adrish learner and at the end of the intro its black
Its here...
Its it...
its the big 200 followers special!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this time with a twist, my followers get to decide what I have/get to do for it.
can be anything from making a massive picture, to deleting one of my games (excluding terraria cause I would die)
ANYTHING, got it? you have until February 1st to tell me.
Here's an update on the Petit Computer conversons. 3 more games have been ported. Race, Man of Apples, and my own first PTC game, Pinball (debatably not a game)
Download: 9328X5A1