It has been a long time since I really played SmileBASIC, but it is always in the back of my mind. This is one thing I've thought about a lot - a board game not entirely dissimilar to chess in terms of strategy, but different in every other way. The working title is 'Warriors and Wizards'.
This games pretty good, but it needs work a bit, due to the lag.
Maybe it's just the fact I might have an earlier release of this game and my 3DS is not really good enough for loads of projectailes segments.
Overall, the game ks still pretty good.
Hello everyone, I am back to announce my new SmileBASIC game. It's a horror game with similar gameplay to FNaF. It has an original story and the lore goes far beyond FNaF ever did. The game is called "In The Dark SB". This is canon to my other game, Ashes and Humanity. Prepare to meet 84KM0K.