What... On Earth... Is going on here?!?! It keeps giving me a syntax error on line 575, *even if I notate the entire line with an apostrophe!* This is one of the weridest things I've ever had happen to me in SmileBASIC... And boy is it frustrating!
Here's the Semi-Finished battle screen. I'll make an Alpha Demo with this. This will feature only one stage and 3 characters. Lemme explain about the characters, there are only 3 classes: Light, Average, and Heavy. Light Class features a moveset that you can use to rack up high combos, but does little damage. Heavy is the complete opposite, and Average... You get the idea.
Aquí tengo unos programas para que descargen.
ARCH_32: Un método de cifrado y desifrado basado en semillas
BF_COMPILER: Un compilador de Brainf***.
Here i have some public keys.
ARCH_32: A encrypting and decrypting system based on seeds.
BF_COMPILER: A Brainf*** compiler.
Hola! Pronto voy a publicar un paquete de compiladores de lenguajes de programación esotéricos
• WHSP_COMPILER (Whitespace)
So yesterday I asked you guys how to use buttons, and you were really helpful. But when I tried it, when the prompt said "press a", nothing happened when i pressed. I was so angry, I started pressing all the buttons, but nothing worked, until I pressed the UP on the plus control. Then I tried changing the button ID, but none of the buttons work, only when I press up.