Top screen of Velocireed's Game Maker (similar to but not mario maker.) Did I give up on boerd squad? no. Im still changing that design, so in the meantime, here is not mario maker!
had to abandon smile monsters :( didnt have enough room on the sprite sheet so i went back to the legend of sion i am making it a rpg instead of a top down and using some of the turn based techniques that i used in smile basic.
Time to shake up the SB Miiverse with another game I translated -- Neko800's nRogue!
Ah, the grandfather of ASCII-based dungeon hack RPG, the daunting quest of searching that Amulet of Nendor™ and returning safely, not to mention hundreds of hours wasted, flambéed by that ONE dastard Dragon...
If you've never played a roguelike before, my dear young friend, now's the time!
I made my own MML, and I want it to play by itself, not with any projects or all that, how do I do that? What do I type at top to start the music just by itself? (Not too good at programming. :P)
What would YOU like to see in Petit Finko 3D? (Hey, that rhymes :3 ) So far, I will incorporate:
Full 3D graphics
Character Voices
4P Wireless Multiplayer
-quick solo- i wanna be, the very best. no-one ever was. da da da. to catch then is my real test, to train the is my caaause. dadada. POKEMON. GOTTA CATCH'EM ALL SO TRUUUE. ILLIGAL TEAMS FULL OF POO. MESS WITH ME AND ILL TEACH YOU. POOOOOKKEEEEEMOOON. lets kick there but. the time is right. theres no better teaaaam arm and arm, we'll winn da fight, its always been our dreeeam.continu in comments