So, it says there's a stack overflow in 19, I have a GOSUB later in it to @PKMBTLSYS, to stop an infinite loop to a part that shouldn't yet be accessed, so, what exactly is wrong, and if you can help, how can I fix it?
Also, I designed the GAME OVER screen in POLYGON with high-score posting specifically in mind! Share your best score for POLYGON (post the screen seen in my screenshot which appears at game over) in the comments below! The screen was designed to show FULL game stats - Rate, enabled enemies, and everything. (except Metacube at the moment!)
excited to hear opinions!
new battle system. level up system. secret names.
secret item!
contact me if you have ideas or want to help (but if you cant do it yourself, why do you think im able to. so be realistic, or add it yourself)
so long