I have a question. Is there a way that with this little movie,When it ends, is it possible to make it go to a text game? ex.:
Input "Mario look!",mari$
if mari$==''what''then print''oh no!''yatayatayata
Hey, guys, my new game is coming out vary soon! its called Avalanch alpha! your a little car and you have to dodge all the rocks falling down the mountain!! and give a thanks to nate who helped me program this! remember, this is my first game! it will be coming out in around a week!
How do you make a UI and make that UI move a certain sized sprite at a certain speed?
This is being used for nate [most of the code] and Nicky G.M's [a little tiny eency weency bit of the coding and all the sprites] project GSA for SmileBASIC, the title says what i need to know, thanks
All rights to Nintendo. Im working on sprites for a spinn-off called "Copy Man". To Capcom and Nintendo, if i am violating any laws, rules, or regulations. please let me know.
Need help.
I want to figure out how to make the battle advance into a different phase rather than just loop.
It would also be a big help if somebody could tell me how to create an ID number for my game so other people can play.
Hey, guys, i need help. how do you make it to where you advance through the different levels? i cant figure it out because the waits when you die throws me of. I CANT FIGURE IT OUT!!