Lately, I've been wanting Galaga for my 3DS. Since this would be my first SmileBASIC program, would someone mind helping me developing it?
I'll need help with these:
drawing the sprites
movement using the buttons
making all of the levels
And anything else that I need help with that's not on the list for a accurate port.
This looks fun. To play this game you use the touch screen to douse the flames. On the top of the screen there is a bar which represents the flame's intensity. If the flames get too intense, it's game over. Try and do your best as you douse four firey levels!
Key: D2JJE8D
Wow, it's been a while! I really should be working on this more, I love coding :) Anyways, I haven't done much with Polygon yet - I just finished upsizing a menu box for specifying custom enemy spawn. However, it still wasn't large enough for its purpose, so I had to use SPSCALE. Problem is, I can't find a 1.5-ish parameter that doesn't 'blur' or mess up the original texture...
Current head gear for my game! The one in all white except for the goggles and bandana is wearing 3 different gears: White Cover, Goggles, Bandana. Click my name multiple posts about the planned updates!