My name is Caesar. I've been doing smileBASIC for a while and I would like to learn button controls.
The problem is I don't know where to start. Could someone please teach me?
Thank you! I appreciate any help I can get.
i am having trouble adding this MML to Petitworld. i made it to go with my Ayumi Shinozaki player skin and WIP Corpse Party themed texture pack. why won't it work, it keeps saying that there is an error in the MML but i generated it from a sequencer program, shouldn't it be flawless?
hello everyone im back with another tutorial and heres a simple hp tutorial :3 I will update this to have an hp bar rather than just showing how much you have, ill keep in touch with everyone. [ps. I havent made a tutorial in a while because im working on a project dubbed R.T.R.R. and I plan on releasing it a week before Christmas :)]