May I remind you, sharing friend codes is prohibited by the Miiverse Code of Conduct. So please refrain from doing so.
Also, SmileBASIC only connects online to upload/publish/download programs and to buy DLC. No multiplayer interaction.
let me remind YOU oscar, not everyday do you have to remind them about the code of conduct! they probably see it everywhere. All im saying is let the man be.
Guys. We want the community to stay alive. The more you break the rules, the more trouble you cause to the community. Look what has already happened: people got SB temporarily removed because they were doing things they shouldn't have been doing.
All we're asking is for you to follow the rules. I want SB to come back and STAY here.
I agree with Gale, but if I had a list of posts that he's on talking about the code of conduct! About 600! Im just saying they know already. Your blowing up the Miiverse comment section with " Well u can't put that on SB cause ur fat and u dont know copyrights..." Annoying right?
Just like Gale said, I'm just trying to keep this community alive and well by reminding people to follow a really basic set of rules and recommendations. Other communities have already gotten muted, removed, or afflicted by other restrictions. We don't want anything to happen to this game and its community.
Also, hyperbole and slander are quite rude; don't use them.