yes, very sorry about this glitch!
it to my knowledge will only happen when you are using the D-pad, so if you dont want it to happen i do recommend using the circle pad but if you have to use D-pad or just rather use it then just try not to rub up against corners too much.
angain im very sorry about this because i only found it last minute (i tested with the circle pad mainly)
-fixing it soon-
That game was suposse to be a game for the SBS halloween contest but it got super glitchy, so i cancelled it and i thought i wouldn't make any game for the contest, but 2 days before the contest's deadline i got a pretty good idea of a game and that was ButtonMasher.SB, I had to be fast.
*cough* i mean my game *cough*
anyways but yeah button masher was pretty fun, very sudden change of events lol.
yeah the extra day they gave us was really good cause it gave me the time i needed to *mostly* fix all the gamebreaking glitches and stuff.
yes every day is playable up to the end of the game which i believe is 4 days about (though the 3rd is very short).
though ill be adding new stuff soon so be looking forward to that! *yay*