SmileBASIC コミュニティプレイ日記Pikachu Squi-Volt2017/07/20 07:41:41I started this, but ran into a roadblock. How do I place sprites randomly in an off-screen area?1そうだね 1返信プレイ済み2017/11/04 01:57:51に取得
SmileBASIC コミュニティ返信[1]親投稿Hanzo rzsense2017/7/20 8:25The following program will place 64 sprites randomly on the screen. Could you refer to it? ACLS FOR I=0 TO 63:SPSET I,I:NEXT I FOR I=0 TO 63 'RND(N) yields random number from 0 to N-1. X=RND(400):Y=RND(240) SPOFS I,X,Y NEXT I WHILE TRUE:VSYNC 1:WEND 0そうだね 未プレイ2017/11/04 01:57:51に取得