Yes,i don't remember exactly how though. However I'm sure you could use the loading method and just say save. Don't save over the original though. That way if you wanted to start from scratch the original would still be there
Not that one, I think that one takes you to the website the one I'm thinking of is a "?" that shows up on the edit screen. It will tell you the correct syntax to use. Its not the best, but if you have an idea of what you're trying to do it really helps
Oh, yeah! I use that a lot! I probably couldn't have gotten as far without it, but yeah. I guess it's really all we need!
How's your game coming along?
Well that's kind of a long story. basically I'm moving it to my computer so I can put it on steam. I love making games, certainly a lot more than being a checker, so if I want more time to make games, making games has to keep the bills at bay. I don't know how people will react, thats why I've been so quiet on my progress.
Ah, I see. Well, hey, once you finish, I'd gladly buy it from steam to support, I mean, it's the least I can do for the help you've given me on mine. All I can say is, good luck and I hope you succeed!
Thanks! If things go the way I plan I'll have all of August off to work on it. I'm almost to the point where I was when I made my first post, except there will be a pause menu, that I still have to finish designing.
My biggest concern is how do I tell people about my progress videos without violating the code of conduct. I have one right now showing off the movement better than the screenshots can but I can't tell the people who derserve to know
Tbh, I actually would've used game maker, but then, due to unfortunate circumstances, my computer messed up and couldn't retrieve the gm licence, so, I used the next best thing: smilebasic