Allow me to explain spcol and its functions.
1)Variable=SPHITSP(1st control number(in this case, the player),second control number(the platform if its a sprite or an enemy))
2)To use sphitsp you need to have spcol set up first. It's quite simple. SPCOL Control number(for the sprite you want to have a detection for but you have to do it for each single sprite you have), True/False(If you (cont)
(If you have spscale on a sprite put it after spcol if you have it on the, it'll make collision accurate)
Ok thats it for sprite collision, bad news is that I don't know background collision, but I will learn it and write it down in my notebook.
3) After using SPCOL and SPHITSP, take the SPHITSP variable(HIT,for example). And make an IF-THEN statement, IF HIT==(second control number no(cont)
IF HIT==2 THEN *insert command that makes sprite stay on platform or makes sprite die or lose health from enemy* Idk platforms yet...
IF HIT==1 THEN SPHALT? or something like that...
Hope this has helped...