I just opened the txt it as a program in the main menu, syntax error, then go into edit mode... But it was a fail because if they see that screen again they will get extremely suspicious...
UPDATE: So my dad entered the code, BUT there is nothing in the program to prevent you from entering the incorrect code... It doesn't know the real PIN. UNFORTUNATELY, my dad entered the WRONG PIN... and if I show it to him again he will get angry and know that something's up... What do I even do now...? The program was a failure, even though I put so much time into it. I nealy pooped my pants...
HOWEVER, when they configured settings the second time 2 weeks ago, I specifically remember getting the code out of a high-placed drawer, placed so that if I were to stand on the chair to reach it, I would be extremely visible and caught on the spot. I'm almost certain that the code is written down... Maybe my parents were just annoyed by me and didn't want to help.
Brute-forcing the PIN would guaruntee success, but I'm only on 500/9,999; It will take a TON of time to get. And by calculation, it will take approximately ELEVEN HOURS at most of nonstop bruteforcing.
Today might be the day...
I'm still wondering if I should show this program to my parents. I don't know if they will be fooled. How would I present this?