I take it you found this on the Japanese community? Looks impressive.
1そうだね プレイ済み
Looks like an intresting game. What's the key?
0そうだね プレイ済み
So when I learned how to program well, I would make a Corpse Party–esque horror game called Lost Tapes. Turns out there's a TV show, already called that, so does anyone have a good title for a game where you have to find security footage on discs or VHS tapes?

To anyone who knows anything about this game, do you know why it takes so long to load?

What's the key for the latest version of this game?

"100,000,000/10 Would meme again"–IGN

So what is this supposed to be anyway?

Can anyone please tell me the key for the most recent version of this game and the name of the guy who made it(on miiverse, to be specific)?

It really is a shame this got cancelled....curse you copyright.

I'm not experienced in anything except making sprites because it'seems so easy.
0そうだね プレイ済み