Also. Misskit can read what people are saying in their minds. it looks a little like a mythical monster, but its not. i bet it could be one of my monsters il have.
i'm not sure if Misskit looks like a fire type. it looks like a psychic type. the red on its back its cotton. with red dust flying around it. and it has yellow glowing eyes.
This monster can get sad easyly because its also shaped like a tear when you cry. but thanks to him. you will be cool like ice cream on a hot summer day. plus. if you added sounds to the monsters when they come in battle...this monster's sound is BEEP 79. thats all.
Ok. i have no name for this monster. but you can give it one! hes a light blue slime-like monster shaped like a raindrop. its top looks like a crown. but its really not a king. he also has 4 arms. and green cheeks to match nature. sence rain is nature. i think. its powers are swiming underwater and it can camouflage in water. it can also cool a person -20 degrees when it lays on them.