Uhg! i'll never understand coding. thanks for trying to help though i guess

how do i play multiple beeps into a song? when i start it, it just plqys the first note.

simple. i'll do it imedietly (i probably spelled imedietly wrong...)
0そうだね プレイ済み
and it keeps crashing at this moment

and why wont the correct textures load???

How did you change the letters on the key board?

it happened agian but i wasnt on SmileBASIC so maybe its the 3DS squeeze glitch (a misfunction forcing the system off with little pressure on the bottom right area of the system)
0そうだね プレイ済み
Can Arcanum stone force your 3DS to shut-off?
I've been playing Arcanum Stone on smile basic for a long time and my 3DS has shut-off twice but the battery is just fine, the first time it reset the date and time, have i had my 3DS on to long or is Arcanum Stone alot for the system to handle? maybe a little of both?
2そうだね プレイ済み
awesome! im also trying to make a custom skin for the game but i dont think i'll be able to make it work out......do you know what part of the code is elma's idle animation?...
0そうだね プレイ済み
i fixed it but how do i get rid of elma's idle (Stand still) animation?
0そうだね プレイ済み
i dont know what legs go with what torso and dont know what parts of the program to tweak or how i need to tweak it...
0そうだね プレイ済み
i discovered a rather annoying glitch today, the 'no pixel' option in the sprite sheet editor is actually making color...
