Hi, kkbble here. Can any1 help me with making a title screen? I knoq how to do it but im not a good artist. please just, if u can, open the smiletool & make the title art for me. it can be a GRP, just give me the key to me when ur done.
Please and thanks!
I really need help on doing something.
Say if you pressed A and it changed the GRP. I cant do that! And plz dont say:
I have 7 different Grps and i want them to move to the next one IN ORDER.
Time for a team!
A txt adventure team!
Choose your rank and ask to be a member in the comments
Ranks:Noobs, Storyboarders, & Coders
Noobs: Find something they are good at and go from that
Storyboarders: Make up the story and collaborate on that
Coders: Code, duh
That's it!